Witnesses of the book of mormon video with moronika

The three witnesses of the book of mormon, part 1 duration. President nelson grandfathers visit from the other side of the veil and family history work duration. Abinadi testifies of jesus christ mosiah 1118 book of mormon duration. All three men upheld their testimony of the book of mormon at their deaths. This segment depicts the coming forth of the book of mormon and the testimony to its veracity by the three witnesses. Book of mormon witnesses pt 1 the three dan vogel duration. The witnesses to the book of mormon are blatantly not credible. Witnesses of the book of mormon the church of jesus christ of. As the director of the church history library, where we hold the churchs official archival.

For nearly 200 years, skeptics and critics have been trying to explain away what many book of mormon witnesses statedthat they had seen angels and hefted golden metal plates containing ancient inscriptions. Witnesses film an interpreter foundation production. The book of mormon witnesses are a group of contemporaries of joseph smith who claimed to have seen the golden plates from which smith translated the. The eye witnesses of the book of mormon fair mormon. The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses were published in the first edition of the book of mormon and every edition since. Book of mormon the testimony of three witnesses youtube. Three witnesses oliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harris declared an angel of god appeared to them and showed them the book of mormon plates. New video on evidence for book of mormon plates book of. An additional eight witnesses members of the smith and whitmer families 1 declared that joseph smith himself showed them the plates and allowed each to heft the ancient artifact and examine its engravings. Investigating the book of mormon witnesses and millions of other books are available for amazon kindle. To their dying days, these witnesses defended their testimonies even in the face of cruel mobs, the ridicule of society, and betrayal by. The case against the 3 witnesses of the book of mormon. The names of oliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harris are familiar to most of us, notably because of their role as witnesses to the reality of the book of.

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